The RESILIO study analyses the resilience of the rule of law in the EU and identifies key factors such as functioning institutions, a robust civil society and independent media. It categorises the member states into different groups based on their rule of law. While some countries show weaknesses in areas such as media independence, others are strong in the quality of their elections and state institutions. Individual factors such as an efficient civil service and a trust-based democratic citizenry play a crucial role. A strong rule of law requires not only a robust institutional framework, but also a democratic political culture that promotes compliance and sanctions violations.

Details zur Publikation

AutorDr Maria Skóra, David Nonhoff, York Albrecht
Erschienen inInstitut für Europäische Politik (IEP)
Heraus­geberProf. Dr Funda Tekin
VeröffentlichungMärz 2024

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