The study aims to understand the current landscape and future developments of digital civil society in Germany, particularly with regard to policy-making and advocacy work. Commissioned by the Stiftung Mercator Centre for Digital Society, this paper explores the role of civil society organisations (CSOs) in shaping digital policy by examining how the ecosystem sees and describes itself. It highlights today’s challenges, the opportunities and developments that are expected today. The aim is to inform and guide CSOs, funders and practitioners to support a resilient and democratic digital policy environment.

Key findings show that the civil society ecosystem in Germany is maturing. This process can be observed along several dimensions: Diversification, development of expertise and different role formation, strategic alliances and collective impact, and the slow development of a common vision for the future.

In response, recommendations for funders and foundations emerge: Provide dedicated funding for strategic collaboration, prioritise skills development and professional growth, and innovate evaluation and impact measurement.


Details zur Publikation

AutorSimon Höher / Peter Bihr / Carla Hustedt
Heraus­geberStiftung Mercator
VeröffentlichungApril 2024

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