The new European Commission will inherit an impasse in efforts to reform the European asylum system as well as concerns about practices in the management of the EU’s external border that contradict humanitarian standards and may even be illegal. While the number of asylum seekers who manage to reach EU territory is now lower than in previous years, it may be low precisely because of those problematic practices, including abuse of irregular migrants along the Western Balkan route, limited search and rescue capacity in the Central Mediterranean, and EU cooperation with the Libyan coast guard even though migrants returned by it to Libya have been abused.
In this 2019 MEDAM Assessment Report, MEDAM presents insights from MEDAM research and policy dialogue since 2016 to explain how closer cooperation among EU member states and with countries of origin and transit can improve outcomes for all stakeholders.

Details zur Publikation

AutorMikkel Barslund, Matthias Lücke, Martin Ruhs
Heraus­geberMEDAM (Mercator Dialogue on Asylum and Migration)
VeröffentlichungOktober 2019

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