To achieve our strategic objectives, we believe it is important among other things to engage in exchange with scientists, scholars and experienced practitioners. Stiftung Mercator und some of its partner organizations and project partners therefore support experts pursuing intensive research and work on our themes in a wide variety of disciplines. Fellows discuss their ideas and positions with our partner organizations and with our staff in both academic discourse and public debate. This gives rise to a constructive dialogue that generates prospects and provides new impetus.

Picture Name Institution Fellowship Fellowship project Status
Adrian Mattmann Mercator Fellowship on International Affairs Digital Financial Services for Financial Inclusion former
Adrien Licha Turkey Europe Future Forum Turkey Europe Future Forum 2020 former
Ákos Keller-Alánt Turkey Europe Future Forum Turkey Europe Future Forum 2020 former
Aksel Şahinöz Turkey Europe Future Forum Turkey Europe Future Forum 2018 former
Albert Guasch Rafael Turkey Europe Future Forum Reflecting Change former
Alexander Kasper Turkey Europe Future Forum Turkey Europe Future Forum 2023 former
Alexander Pyka Turkey Europe Future Forum Turkey Europe Future Forum 2022 former
Alexandra de Cramer Turkey Europe Future Forum Turkey Europe Future Forum 2024 current
Alexandra Galeitzke Mercator Fellowship on International Affairs Education in the context of fragility former
Alexandra Solea Turkey Europe Future Forum Reflecting Change former