
A press release

Standing up for democracy: Stiftung Mercator has supported almost 80 new projects in 2023

Über 55 Millionen Euro hat die Stiftung Mercator im vergangenen Jahr für Projekte aufgewendet, wie aus dem heute veröffentlichen Jahresbericht hervorgeht. Die gemeinnützige Stiftung aus dem Ruhrgebiet fördert Vorhaben in den Bereichen Digitalisierte Gesellschaft, Europa in der Welt, Klimaschutz sowie Teilhabe und Zusammenhalt in einer diversen Gesellschaft. Angesichts multipler globaler Krisen hat sich die Stiftung ein neues Motto gegeben: #WirstärkenDemokratie. „Angriffe auf unsere freih [...]



A press release

Bildungsnetzwerk China: Sandra Schulze takes over as Managing Director

Starting in June, the Bildungsnetzwerk China will have a new Managing Director. Sandra Schulze replaces Caspar Welbergen, who has held the position since it was founded in March 2020 and is now leaving at his own request. The education network promotes teaching expertise on China in German schools. Sandra Schulze has lived in China for several years and has relevant experience in the field of German-Chinese cooperation and international understanding as an area manager at the Berlin Economic Dev [...]



A press release

Sabine Sparwasser becomes the new dean of the Mercator Fellowship on International Affairs

Starting in September, Sabine Sparwasser, currently Germany's ambassador to Canada, will head the renowned Mercator Fellowship on International Affairs, in which people from a wide range of disciplines work together to find solutions to global challenges. Sparwasser will implement the new overarching theme "Europe in the World 2030 - Sustainable Visions for an Inclusive and Secure Future" with 20 fellows. University graduates with professional experience can apply from now until June 15, 2024.

A press release

Nina Ohlmeier is now head of Stiftung Mercator’s Mercator Center Berlin

Since April 1, Nina Ohlmeier has been in charge of the Mercator Center Berlin (PZB) of Stiftung Mercator and is responsible for the non-profit organization’s political communication. The PZB is a place for exchange between civil society, politics, media and business in the capital. Before joining Stiftung Mercator, Nina Ohlmeier headed the Political Communications department at Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk e.V. „We are delighted to have found an experienced manager in Nina Ohlmeier, who h [...]



A press release

German government supports Deutsch-Türkische Jugendbrücke and MERICS

This year, the Federal Foreign Office will support the Deutsch-Türkische Jugendbrücke with 600,000 euros and the Mercator Institute for China Studies (MERICS) with 500,000 euros. Now that the Bundestag and Bun-desrat have passed the 2024 budget after lengthy negotiations, these in-stitutional funds can now be granted.


You can find more press releases on our German website.