Nearly 60 million Euros for more than 90 projects – that is key-outcome of Stiftung Mercator in 2022, which can be found in the annual report published today. The non-profit foundation from the Ruhr region supports projects in the sections Digital Society, Europe in the World, Climate Action and Participation and Cohesion in a Diverse Society.
One of the most important projects in 2022 was the founding of the partner organization Agora Digitale Transformation (ADT). The Berlin-based think tank aims to update our democracy in the digital shift. In line with its guiding vision “inspiring ideas“, the foundation supports the realization of such concepts that are oriented toward the common good. The funding is made available to project partners such as scientific institutions, civil-society actors and think tanks and is usually spread over a funding period of several years.
In 2022, the second of a maximum of three funding periods began for the Bündnis Sozialverträgliche Mobilitätswende, an alliance for socially sustainable mobility transition. The project brings together representatives of all kinds of social groups, such as natural conservation associations, churches, and unions, with the common goal of advancing sustainable climate action in transport – in an ecological, economic, and socially just manner. Executive Director of the foundation, Dr Wolfgang Rohe, explains: “This project is thus a primary example of our aim to serve the common good. Independent of economic, political, or ideological interests.”
Since 1996, Stiftung Mercator has stood up for equal rights and opportunities, for social cohesion, respect, tolerance, openness to the world and the protection of nature and the environment. Since its establishment, it has supported nearly 2,000 projects with 907 million euros.
Dorothée Fischer | Communications Manager Press
T +49 2012 4522849 |
Stiftung Mercator is a private and independent foundation that works on the basis of scientific expertise and practical project experience. Through its work, it strives for a society characterized by openness to the world, solidarity, and equal opportunities. To achieve these objectives, it supports and develops projects that improve participation and cohesion in an increasingly diverse society. Stiftung Mercator wants to strengthen democracy and the rule of law in Europe, address the impact of digitization on democracy and society, and drive forward climate change mitigation. Stiftung Mercator pursues activities in Germany, Europe and worldwide. It has a particular affinity with the Ruhr area, the home of its founding family and of the foundation’s headquarters.