Luisa Seiler


Mercator Fellowship on International Affairs

Period of the Fellowship


Project title

Unlocking a side door to Fortress Europe – tapping the potential of qualified asylum seekers in the EU through more flexible immigration channels

Short biography

Luisa Seiler studied political science at the University of Freiburg and the Institut d’Etudes Poli-tiques Aix-en-Provence with an emphasis on international relations and migration. She gained first professional experience in the fields of intercultural exchange (at ARTE and the Festival du Monde Arabe de Montréal), as well as international relations and development policy (German Federal Foreign Office and Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institute). Lately, Luisa worked as research associate at the european forum for migration studies. During the fellowship she will focus on the possibilities of tapping professional qualifications of asylum seekers in the EU through a flexibilisation of immigration channels.