Grzegorz Jacek Blachowski


Turkey Europe Future Forum

Period of the Fellowship


Project title

Reflecting Change

Project description

Grzegorz Jacek Blachowski ist Teil eines Netzwerks türkischer und europäischer Nachwuchsführungskräfte aller Sektoren, die einmal im Jahr zu einem intensiven Dialog zusammenkommen und sich über aktuelle gesellschaftliche Fragestellungen austauschen. Das Zukunftsforum Türkei Europa findet im Wechsel in der Türkei und Deutschland sowie anderen europäischen Ländern statt.


Communication, Sustainable development, Business strategies

Short biography

Grzegorz Blachowski is a professional leader with over 12 years of experience in media and communication. He has worked as a journalist and international correspondent for "Gazeta Wyborcza", one of the most recognizable Polish daily newspaper. He was also a spokesperson of the key financial and energy companies in Poland. Currently he leads communication and project management teams in GPEC Group, one of the leaders in the energy sector in Poland. He specializes in building the image of top-managers and the business strategies for sustainable development. Grzegorz graduated from the University of Lodz and Rotterdam School of Management with a diploma in business administration, as well as languages.